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Day 19 The Lost Virtues

July 25, 2024

Scripture: Daniel 6:10 …Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.

Devotional: Much like the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that we talked about yesterday, the story of Daniel is one of loyalty to God. Some of the men who worked for King Darius, the king at the time, did not like Daniel because he had distinguished himself among them in the sight of Darius. They convinced the king to put a law into place that forbade anyone from worshipping or praying to another god or person. If they did, they would be thrown into the lions’ den.

When this decree came out, Daniel continued to pray to God three times a day just like he had before. And Darius followed through on his word and threw Daniel into the lions’ den. But God kept the lions’ mouths shut. The next morning, King Darius called to David to see if God had spared him, and He had.

When we read this story, we often think about the strength and might of God. He was able to satiate the lions and keep Daniel safe from harm. He was glorified in the process. And these are wonderful things to take away from this story. But let us not overlook the unwavering allegiance that David showed to God, even when faced with death. He knew that he served a God who was worthy of his praise and worship no matter what. 


  • Are you willing to declare your loyalty to God, regardless of what it costs you?

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