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Day 30 Stuff Happens

November 20, 2023

Scripture: Malachi 4:2 NLT But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings.

Devotional: The people of Israel certainly suffered their fair share of oppression and suffering. Often because of their own stubborn hearts and rebellion. 

Despite that, God delivered a powerful promise through the prophet Malachi: for those who fear His name, they will experience the incredible power of His healing.  One translation says the sun will rise with healing in its rays. Whether it’s wings or rays, there’s a sense of being enveloped and transformed by compassionate warmth. When you’re suffering, nothing sounds better. 

But what does it mean to fear His name? 

Scripture tells us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 9:10). But if God is love, and there is no fear in love (1 John 4:18), how does fearing Him fit in?

Fearing God is to have respect, reverence, and awe for His position. He is Almighty God, over and above all things. When we “fear” Him, we bow down to His position as sovereign over us. We trust Him as a benevolent King, knowing that whatever may befall us, He is greatly concerned for our well-being. And we trust that when we are in need of healing, He will indeed provide it — all in His perfect timing.  


  • How have you struggled to trust God for healing in His timing?

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