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Day 32 The Book of Ruth

March 05, 2025

Big Idea: You don’t just attract who you want, you tend to attract who you are.

Scripture: Ruth 2:10-11 At this, she bowed down with her face to the ground. She asked him, “Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me—a foreigner?” Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before.”                  

Devotion: All throughout this story, we see the character of Ruth. We see that she is faithful to God. She is loyal to her family. She is a hard worker. And she honors God morally.

And then we also see the character of Boaz. He honors Ruth. He protects her. He provides for her. And he prays for her.

We might consider Ruth and Boaz to be the lucky ones. They both attracted someone of noble character. But the truth of it? Oftentimes, you don’t just attract what you want. Instead, you tend to attract who you are. So, in this case, both Ruth and Boaz were obedient to the Lord in pursuing Him first. They acted in a God-honoring way. As such, they attracted each other.

This can be true of any type of relationship in our lives. If we choose to gossip, slander, or not be a hard worker, then we are likely to find people that we can gossip, slander, and brush off responsibility. If we choose to encourage, build up others, and wholeheartedly pursue the Lord, then we are likely to find a similar community surrounding us.

I recognize that this can be easier said than done and isn’t always this straightforward. But when we take responsibility for the type of life that we live and pursue, the people around us will help us along the way. We are not meant to walk this life alone. In fact, the Lord tells us to carry each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). So, He will be faithful to provide people to encourage us along the way. 

As we start to dive into the Bible deeper and have questions, the Lord will provide people to study it with you. 

As we look to turn from old habits or hang-ups, the Lord will provide people who have lived through the same things and surrendered it to Jesus. 

As we seek to share about Jesus in our day to day lives, the Lord will provide people who are incredible examples of what that looks like. 

We tend to attract people who are similar to us, whether that be in a romantic relationship, mentorship, or friendship. This doesn’t need to be disheartening, but rather can be encouraging! As we continue to press on in the faith and grow in our relationship with Christ, we will be surrounded by other believers to spur us on through it all. 


  • Do you have a solid community of people around you? Based on the type of people you want surrounding you, what decisions or steps might you take in your own life?

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