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Day 37 Habits

July 01, 2024

Scripture: Galatians 6:8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

Devotional: We talked about it yesterday. We reap what we sow. But the Scripture for today goes into more detail about what this means. So, let’s evaluate exactly what we are sowing.

If you sow to please your flesh, it will cause destruction in your life. What might this look like?

  • Gossiping at the office about your coworker and when others hear you, they no longer trust you.
  • Having a drink every day after work leads to having two… and then three.
  • Viewing pornography which just fuels the sexual temptation you have.

This can take on so many forms. We must be careful, as it is exceptionally easy to give in to the sins of the flesh.

The flip side is that if you sow to please the Spirit, you will reap eternal life. Meaning that if you spend time every day in prayer, you will become aware of the promptings of the Holy Spirit. If you spend time in the Word of God, you will grow in your understanding of God. If you name three things every day that you are grateful for, you will see the evidence of Christ all around you. 

The habits that we create and allow to remain in our lives matter. They can bring life or they can bring death. Let’s choose to develop habits that will be life — giving to us for years to come.


  • Identify one good habit and one bad habit in your life. Think about the consequences of both of those habits in the future. Based on those consequences, what are some things you need to change?

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