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Day 4 The Lost Virtues

July 10, 2024

Scripture: Romans 13:7 “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.”

Devotional: Growing up, I was the teacher’s pet in class. I always wanted to impress the teacher with my grades, my behavior, and how I treated others. I respected them and loved them. I honored them and their authority over the classroom, even if I was a bit over the top with it at times! 

We are to honor those who are in authority. This could be your teacher, coach, mentor, boss, or government official. There are many situations throughout life where you are under the authority of another individual. Whether or not you agree with their leadership style or think they are a nice person, you must honor them and submit to their authority. The verse for today says to give to others what you owe them. This could be in material possessions, or it could be intangible, like giving respect or honor. There are certain positions that we must honor, simply because of the authority that they hold. Honoring those in positions of authority is what God expects us to do and it grows us more into the likeness of Him.


  • Who are some individuals in authority that you find it easy to honor? Why?
  • Who are some individuals in authority that you find it difficult to honor? Why? How can you actively choose to honor these people?

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