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Day 5 Calm

November 14, 2024

Scripture: Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Devotion: The creation account is the very first thing that is written in the Bible. It opens in Genesis 1:1 by saying, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The first thing that we learn about God is through His creation.

Day 1: God created light and separated the light from the darkness, making day and night.

Day 2: God created an expanse to separate the waters and called it the “sky.”

Day 3: God created dry ground and gathered the waters so that land existed. He also created plants and trees.

Day 4: God created the sun, moon, and stars.

Day 5: God created every living creature of the seas and every winged bird of the air.

Day 6: God created animals to fill the earth and created Adam and Eve, who were made in His image.

Day 7: God had finished the work of creation and so He rested, declaring the 7th day holy and blessed. 

When the way that God created the world is listed out like this, it is an incredible reminder of His creativity and intentionality. But if we are going to look at what we can learn about God, we should not simply look at all that He created in the first six days. We should also take into account what He did on the seventh day. He rested. After speaking into existence all of creation, God took the time to rest. And He said that the seventh day was holy. 

As we know from the sixth day of creation, we are created in God’s image. If God took a day to rest, how much more do we need it? If you are in a season of running from one place to another and feel like you are going to burn out, but taking the time to rest seems like it just might put you over the edge, let this be your reminder. God rested. We need to rest too. 


  • What fills your cup? What helps you feel more connected to God?
  • Schedule some time this week to do each of these things, taking some to rest.

Listen: “Power of the Living God”- River Valley Worship

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