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Day 6 Dear Church

September 20, 2024

Scripture: Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Devotional: In light of the love that God has for us, which we have reflected on in depth over the past couple of days, it should be an automatic response to love Him in return. And it likely is for you. What becomes difficult is continually keep Him as your first love and not growing cold. When we look at the busyness of life, it is no wonder that we often allow Him to be taken from that position. We have volunteer obligations, work, kids’ sports and activities, church, and friends and family to pour into. We sometimes feel as though we hardly have time to sleep or for ourselves, much less to dedicate time each day to ensure that our relationship with Jesus is kindled.

What I want to encourage you with today is a short little prayer that says, “Jesus, keep me near the cross.” In the cross, we find love poured out. In the cross, we find grace. In the cross, we are reminded that we are not enough, but that Jesus is more than enough. We find that He will sustain us. Praying this prayer at the start of every day is a reminder of God’s love for us in that we can reflect on Jesus giving up His life in place of ours. But it is also a reminder through Jesus, we have all we need. Truly praying this every single day and taking the time to reflect on it will surely help us to keep Jesus in His rightful place as Lord of our lives. 

There is an old hymn titled “Near the Cross”. As we wrap up today, I wanted to give you an opportunity to read through the words and reflect on them, as they so beautifully capture all that the cross entails. 

“Jesus, keep me near the cross,

There a precious fountain;

Free to all, a healing stream,

Flows from Calv'ry's mountain.

Near the cross, a trembling soul,

Love and mercy found me;

There the Bright and Morning Star

Shed His beams around me. 

In the cross, in the cross

Be my glory ever,

Till my ransomed soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross! O lamb of God,

Bring its scenes before me;

Help me walk from day to day

With its shadow o'er me.

In the cross, in the cross

Be my glory ever,

Till my ransomed soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross! I'll watch and wait,

Hoping, trusting ever;

Till I reach the golden strand,

Just beyond the river.

In the cross, in the cross

Be my glory ever,

Till my ransomed soul shall find

Rest beyond the river.”


  • Pray the prayer, “Jesus, keep me near the cross.”
  • What do you need currently need from Jesus that can be found in the remembrance of what He did on the cross (peace, hope, love, joy, etc.)?
  • Remember that because of what Jesus did on the cross, He deserves to be Lord over everything in our lives.

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