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Day 8 Been There

March 16, 2025

Scripture: John 5:17 … Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” 

Devotion: Wouldn’t you agree that waiting is often the hardest thing in the world to do? Whether it’s a “simple” kind of waiting - like at a red light or in the supermarket line, or a more complex kind of waiting - like waiting on a prodigal to come home or a loved one to be healed, most of us don’t like to wait. 

Have you ever considered why that may be? Why our collective issue is with impatience?

In this week’s devotions, we’ll dive into some possible answers for that question, as well as some remedies that may help you in the waiting. You’re not alone in your impatience, and you might just find some encouragement as we navigate this together.

In today’s passage we have a powerful reminder from Jesus Himself: The Father is always at work and Jesus is also. Jesus was responding to criticism from the religious leaders of the time because He had healed a paralytic on the Sabbath, which they considered work, and therefore persecuted Him for it. 

But there’s also a deeper meaning for us to glean. There are times when we feel God is doing nothing:

  • He doesn’t seem to be responding to our prayers
  • He doesn’t seem to be providing what we think we need (or want)
  • He doesn’t seem to be healing the loved one we are so desperately praying for
  • He doesn’t seem to be helping us meet someone to share our life with
  • He has not brought someone we love to salvation 

Amid what we perceive as God’s inaction, it’s a good reminder that He is indeed working.  He’s always working.  And you and I can be assured that there is purpose in our waiting as He works in ways we cannot see.  


  • In what area have you been praying for God to work, but it seems as if He’s doing nothing?
  • How might you surrender that to Him and trust that He is indeed working, even though you cannot see it?

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