It’s the beginning of a new year, and everything feels fresh—like it’s time for a reset. You might feel excited to start a new hobby, embrace a new lifestyle, or simply refresh your routine. There's something about the "newness" of it all that sparks energy and anticipation. It’s always a good time for reflection.
One thing I constantly reflect on, no matter the time of year, is my relationship with God. I go through seasons where I lean into specific "spiritual practices" to deepen my walk with Him. If you’re new to the faith, a spiritual practice is simply something you can add to your daily life that helps you grow closer to Christ. But here’s an important note: don’t confuse these practices with tasks you "must" do. Our salvation is not about ticking off a checklist; it’s about the grace and redemption found in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).
I don’t know about you, but I often start the year full of excitement, only to let my "new year" goals fade by February. Maybe you’ve been there too. So, I’ve made a list of things that have helped me get closer to God on my faith journey.Now, I could rattle off some simple ones like prayer, memorizing Scripture, or even honoring God through exercise—all of which are incredibly valuable and deserve credit. But for this list, I wanted to share a more personal twist. I’ve found some additional habits that work for me, because, after all, everyone’s relationship with Christ is unique.
1. Read the Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
This one's foundational, right? Spending time with Christ through the study of His Word has been a continual source of refreshment and renewal in my life. Whether it’s meditating on the life of Jesus in the New Testament or reflecting on the powerful narratives of the Old Testament, God’s Word has consistently reminded us of His unchanging character, His boundless, life-giving power, and the depth of His love. Immersing myself in Scripture, I find my soul restored and my heart drawn closer to the heart of God, experiencing the transformative impact of His truth and presence.
2. Spend time with like-minded people (Galatians 6:2)
My husband and I are incredibly blessed to have a wonderful community surrounding us, and the people we spend the most time with have profoundly shaped our lives. Since they have been in our lives, God has worked through them in powerful ways. They have lived with us through difficult valleys and rejoiced with us on the mountaintops. These friends and loved ones are living examples of what a true Christian community looks like. They embody the way God intended us to walk through life together, offering love, support, and encouragement at every turn. Their presence has been a constant reminder of His faithfulness and the beautiful, transformative power of community.
3. Listen to God-honoring music (Psalm 40:3)
As someone deeply passionate about music, I find that it is an essential part of my everyday life. Music has an incredible power to mirror my mood, and I often find myself drawn to certain songs that resonate with how I’m feeling at the moment. However, I’ve also learned the importance of being intentional with what I listen to, especially when I’m struggling or feeling weighed down by the lies of the enemy. In those moments, I make a conscious choice to turn on music that reminds me of the truth — of who God is and who I am in Him. It's a discipline I’ve had to cultivate, training myself to switch gears from turning on my "sad" playlist to one that uplifts and honors God.
4. Spend time outdoors (John 1:3-5)
I’ve always had a deep love for being outdoors, and it’s through nature that God met me. One of the most powerful aspects of my testimony is how He revealed His creation before He showed me the Creator. He is the Creator of all good things, and I am reminded of this constantly. Whether it be by walking on a hiking path, wading in a canoe, or simply walking my dog, it’s hard to ignore all the beauty around me. In those moments, I can't help but pause and reflect on the fact that God, in His infinite wisdom and creativity, is the Author of all that I see.
5. Spend time in self-reflection (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Everyone is a sinner—no surprise there! But seriously, Scripture calls us to examine ourselves, to reflect on our hearts, actions, and words—everything we use to honor God. For me, this self-examination is one of the most profound ways God speaks. When I take time to reflect, I look at areas where I need change, recognizing that true transformation only comes through Christ. I then ask Him to search my heart, refine me, and lead me toward sanctification. It starts with acknowledging my sin, bringing it before God, and seeking His forgiveness, knowing that only through His grace can I be truly changed.
6. Give the power back to God (John 3:30)
Oh, I’ll admit it—I love being in control. Sometimes, I don’t even realize how much I crave control, especially when everything is going smoothly. But the moment things start to unravel, I’m reminded of how fragile that control really is. I’m great at organizing, structuring, and executing, but all it takes is one shift for everything to crumble. Being in ministry has taught me that God is in all things—even the small, seemingly insignificant details that I often overlook. I tend to fall into the habit of thinking they don’t matter to Him. To counter this, I’ve made it a practice to surrender control and give the power back to God. I remind myself to place His name in the situation, acknowledging that He has His hand on it and I’m just a vessel He’s working through. This forces me to lower myself so Christ can be more.
7. Journal (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
Journaling has been such a powerful tool in helping me grow closer to God, even though I’m not always consistent with it. I am always writing things down, so I don’t forget them. If you were to look in one of my many journals, the thoughts are just so random. Whether I’m pouring out my heart, recording insights from Scripture, or just writing down lyrics to a song, there’s something about putting my thoughts and prayers on paper that allows me to slow down and reflect more deeply. It’s in those quiet moments when I write that I can hear God’s voice more clearly. I think of this as a way of telling God everything that flows through me.
8. Bring order to your home (1 Timothy 3:5)
Now, I don’t have kids yet, and I know this scripture speaks pretty clearly to people who may have children, but when my focus is on anything but my family, I seem to really struggle. One thing I was told when going into ministry, is family is second after God. No matter what job you may have, God is number one, followed by your family, then work is after that. I know it seems a little countercultural to some, but I have found this to be true time and time again. When my husband and I are facing challenges at home, it inevitably impacts other areas of our lives, including our work. But when we take the time to reconnect with God individually, seek His guidance, and then come back together, it strengthens both our relationship with each other and our relationship with God.
Ultimately, these practices are not a checklist but a way to intentionally draw closer to God and align my heart with His. As we embrace these habits in our own unique ways, we can trust that God will meet us where we are, transforming us into the people He has called us to be.
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