I’ve heard it said before, "No Bible, no breakfast." While catchy, this isn’t exactly helpful for someone who always skips breakfast. So, I’ve taken the phrase and turned it into one that works better for me: "No Bible, no energy drink." While it doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, it is effective… at least for me.
Ever since I can remember, I’ve had a deep distaste for reading. Maybe you can relate to this. When I was an elementary student, whenever my teacher would announce that it was "free-reading time," my brain always processed it as "naptime." My disinterest in reading only grew stronger as I got older, which is ironic because, for two and a half years of my professional career, I was a Title I Reading Intervention Teacher helping underperforming students grow their understanding and appreciation for reading.
Now, in my role as the High School Ministry Director, my focus is on building relationships with students and nurturing their spiritual growth with God. "What’s the most effective way to do that?" you ask. Well, by reading your Bible.
Since becoming a follower of Jesus eight years ago, I’ve developed a desire to grow in my connection with God. Like any healthy relationship, it’s strengthened by spending intentional time together—most commonly through prayer, worship, and, you guessed it, reading the Bible.
Now, let’s be real: when someone says, “You should read your Bible,” you might think, “Ugh, do I really have time for that?” Or maybe you picture long, confusing genealogies, difficult-to-pronounce names, and ancient laws that seem totally irrelevant to your life. Trust me, I thought the same. And while some of that is true, the reality is: The Bible is so much more than a dusty, old book of rules! It’s filled with fascinating stories, life-changing wisdom, and situations that relate to our everyday circumstances. So, if you’ve been putting off Bible time, here are five reasons you should start reading it today—and trust me, if I can grow a love for it, so can you.
- The Bible is God’s Love Letter to You.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1
Last spring, several co-workers and I made our way to Atlanta for a speaking conference. This was the first time I had been away from my wife since we got married six months prior. Before I left for the trip, my wife placed four cards in my bag, labeled: ‘Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday’ for each day I would be gone. The rule was, I had to wait until the designated day to open each of the cards. I remember the excitement that would rush through me as I’d rush over to my suitcase to unpack and read the love letter my wife wrote for me that day. As I’d finish one, I would wait with anticipation for the next, knowing that the person I loved most made these cards just for me.
You know this, don’t you? The God who created the heavens and the earth, the one who knit us together in our mothers’ womb, did the same thing for me and you. We have access to the greatest love letter ever written—the Gospel of Jesus Christ—that we can read every day! What a tremendous act of love!
- The Bible is Applicable to Your Life.
Every Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character…
2 Timothy 3:16 CEB
If you’re a fan of self-help books, guess what? The Bible is the perfect self-help book, inspired by the only perfect life coach! The Bible is packed full of real-life scenarios handled by real-life people like you and me.
Psychologist Jordan Peterson once said, “Experience is the best teacher, and the worst experiences teach the best lessons.” What better way to learn something than from someone else’s mistakes? The Bible is full of real-life people much like you and me, who faced real-life problems much like you and me… and the beauty is, we get to learn from the hurts, habits, and hangups of their past so they don’t have to be a part of our future.
- The Bible Strengthens Your Faith.
… faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.
Romans 10:17
Imagine your faith is like a muscle. At first, it’s small and maybe a bit soft, kind of like when you first start going to the gym. But just like lifting weights strengthens your muscles, reading your Bible gives your faith a workout, turning it into something strong, confident, and ready to take on anything life throws at you.
Spending time in God’s Word is like giving your faith a protein shake—packed with spiritual nutrients! The more you dive into the Word, the more you get to know God’s promises, His character, and all the incredible things He’s done for you and others. Like any quality or characteristic in life, your faith needs nourishment!
- The Bible is a Tool You Can Use.
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalm 119:105
It’s easy for us to view Scripture as a defensive tool to use – one that can bring light to a dark place. But what if I told you the Bible can be even more effective as an offensive tool to light the path for your life?
Over the years, I have been abundantly blessed with a great community of believers. Each week, I can count on at least one of my friends to send me Scripture reminding me that they’re praying over the things I’ll be engaged in throughout the week. Can I tell you? The lamp of God’s Word has been a source of light for my path and the paths of the people I love most. I’ve made it a habit to use Scripture as an offensive tool to combat the onset of nerves and anxieties before they ever become a defensive strategy for navigating mistakes and regrets.
- The Bible Can Change Your Life
This might sound obvious, but what comes into your mind often comes out in your life. Whether you’re an avid reader, or you prefer music or television, the things you let into your mind often come back out in your life. When you feed your mind romance dramas and explicit music, you’re training yourself to conform to the characteristics you’re consuming.
The same is true when you spend time with the Word of God. The more you read about the selfless life of Jesus and the love He and His people offer, the more it radiates in you and your relationships. Reading your Bible isn’t just about behavioral modification, it’s about spiritual transformation. As you develop a habit each morning to spend time with God’s love letter to you, know that it’s causing a ripple effect in your life greater than any other source ever could. So, the next time you go to make your breakfast, the next time you start that cup of coffee, or crack open that energy drink, think to yourself: “Did I read my Bible yet?” because it might just be the thing that changes your life.
Cover photo by Alvarro Serano on Unsplash
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