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Day 25 Habits

June 19, 2024

Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Devotional: As we start the work to break a habit in our life this week, it can be helpful to replace that habit with something else. We already talked about how it is better to eliminate the cue for the habit than to try and resist the temptation in the moment. One way to help with that is to replace the cue.

Our passage from today highlights the importance of Scripture in our lives. The Bible will most certainly help guide you through your life, being a source of strength and encouragement in moments of weakness. It will help you discern how God calls us to live our lives. However, for the Word of God to do that, you need to be spending time reading it. As we work to break a habit, this is the perfect time to implement a bit more Scripture in your life. Replace your cue and your habit with time with God.

Let’s take the example from earlier in the week about wanting to spend less time on your phone. Instead of looking at your phone over your lunch break, you leave it in your office and eat elsewhere. But what if we added one small step to this? For five minutes of that lunch break, spend time reading Scripture or in prayer. Now not only are you breaking a habit, but you are also arming yourself with the tools necessary to fend off the temptation for that habit and to live more like Jesus.


  • How much time or mental/emotional space will you gain in breaking the habit you identified this week?
  • How might you fill some of this space with time with God?
  • Pray that God will continue to help you break the habit you want to break.

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